一、DDC 介紹:
DDC 是顯示器與電腦主機進行通信的一個總線標準,其全稱是:DISPLAY DATA CHNNEL。它基本功能就是將顯示器的電子檔案資料信息,諸如可接收行場頻范圍、生產(chǎn)廠商、生產(chǎn)日期、產(chǎn)品序列號、產(chǎn)品型號、標準顯示模式及其參數(shù)、 所支持的DDC標準類別、EDID的版本信息數(shù)據(jù)等。高版本的DDC標準總線還可以允許電腦主機直接調(diào)節(jié)顯示器的基本參數(shù),諸如亮度、對比度、行場幅度的大 小、行場中心位置、色溫參數(shù)等等。
二、 DDC總線標準類別:
1)DDC1:單向傳輸,CLOCKED BY VSYNC,只傳輸128 BYTE EDID標準數(shù)據(jù)信息。
2) DDC2B:單向傳輸(地址為:0xA0/A1),是一個簡單的從存儲器讀取數(shù)據(jù)信息的標準I2C協(xié)議,其方向為從顯示器到電腦主機。
3) DDC2Bi:雙向傳輸,I2C SLAVE MODE,傳送圖形信息(地址為:0x6E/6F,0x50/51), 支持簡單的ACCESS.BUS總線標準。
4) DDC2B+:雙向傳輸,點對點,不支持ACCESS.BUS,傳輸EDID/VDIF標準數(shù)據(jù)信息(地址為:0x6E/6F,0x50/51)。
5) DDC2AB:雙向傳輸,支持ACCESS.BUS,傳輸EDID/VDIF標準數(shù)據(jù)信息(地址為:0x6E/6F,0x50/51)。
三、 EDID數(shù)據(jù)標準:
EDID(Extended Display Identification Data Standard) 就是顯示器通過DDC傳輸給電腦主機的標準數(shù)據(jù)信息,至今已發(fā)布到第三版本,即EDID Version 3,前面分別有EDID Version 1.0,Revision 0,EDID Version 1,Revision 1,EDID Version 2,Revision 0,EDID Version 2,Revision 1等版本。就數(shù)據(jù)信息量而分,EDID分為128 BYTE和256 BYTE,將來也許會有更多數(shù)據(jù)信息量的新版EDID公布。
EDID(Extended Display Identification Data Standard) 就是顯示器通過DDC傳輸給電腦主機的標準數(shù)據(jù)信息。EDID分為128 BYTE和256 BYTE。
00–07: Header information
08–17: Complete serial number
08–09: Manufacturer ID
10–11: Product ID Code (little-endian)
12–15: Serial Number (little-endian)
16: Week of Manufacture
17: Year of Manufacture. Add 1990 to the value for actual year.
18: EDID Version Number
19: EDID Revision Number
20-24: Basic Display Parameters
bit 7: 0=analog, 1=digital
if bit 7 is digital: bit 0: 1=DFP 1.x compatible
if bit 7 is analog:
bit 6-5: video level 00=0.7, 0.3,
01=0.714, 0.286, 10=1, .4 11=0.7, 0
bit 4: blank-to-black setup
bit 3: separate syncs
bit 2: composite sync
bit 1: sync on green
bit 0: serration vsync
21: Maximum Horizontal Image Size (in centimeters).
22: Maximum Vertical Image Size (in centimetres).
23: Display Gamma. Divide by 100, then add 1 for actual value.
24: Power Management and Supported Feature(s):
bit 7: standby bit 6: suspend
bit 5: active-off/low power
bit 4-3: display type.
00=mono ome, 01=RGB colour, 10=non RGB multicolour, 11=undefined
bit 2: standard colour space
bit 1: preferred timing mode
bit 0: default GTF supported
25-34: CHROMA INFO 25: low significant bits for Red X (bit 7-6), Red Y (bit 5-4), Green X (bit 3-2), Green Y (bit 1-0).
26: low significant bits for Blue X (bit 7-6), Blue Y (bit 5-4), White X (bit 3-2), White Y (bit 1-0).
27–34: high significant
bits for Red X, Red Y, Green X, Green Y, Blue X, Blue Y, White X, White Y. To decode actual value, rearrange bits as follows:
High significant bits 7-0 for (channel), low significant bits for (channel).
Actual value is between 0.000 and 0.999, but encoded value is between 000h and 3FFh.
bit 7-0: 720×400@70 Hz, 720×400@88 Hz, 640×480@60 Hz, 640×480@67 Hz,
640×480@72 Hz, 640×480@75 Hz, 800×600@56 Hz, 800×600@60 Hz
bit 7-0: 800×600@72 Hz, 800×600@75 Hz, 832×624@75 Hz, 1024×768@87 Hz (Interlaced),
1024×768@60 Hz, 1024×768@70 Hz, 1024×768@75 Hz, 1280×1024@75 Hz
37: Manufacturer's Reserved Timing
38–53: Standard Timing Identification.
2 bytes for each record.
First byte Horizontal resolution.
Multiply by 8, then add 248 for actual value.
Second byte bit
7-6: Aspect ratio.
Actual vertical resolution depends on horizontal resolution.
00=16:10, 01=4:3, 10=5:4, 11=16:9
bit 5-0: Vertical frequency.
Adds 60 to get actual value.
54–71: Desc riptor Block 1
54–55: Pixel Clock (in 10 kHz) or 0 If Pixel Clock is non null:
56: Horizontal Active (in pixels)
57: Horizontal Blanking (in pixels)
58: Horizontal Active high (4 upper bits)
Horizontal Blanking high (4 lower bits)
59: Vertical Active (in pixels)
60: Vertical Blanking (in vertical pixels/lines)
61: high significant bits for Vertical Active (4 upper bits) high significant
bits for Vertical Blanking (4 lower bits)
62: Horizontal Sync Offset (in pixels)
63: Horizontal Sync Pulse Width (in pixels)
64: Vertical Sync Offset (in lines)
(4 upper bits) Vertical Sync Pulse Width (in lines) 4 lower bits)
65: high significant bits for Horizontal Sync Offset(bit 7-6)
high significant bits for Horizontal Sync Pulse Width (bit 5-4)
high significant bits for Vertical Sync Offset (bit 3-2)
high significant bits for Vertical Sync Pulse Width (bit 1-0)
66: Horizontal Image Size (in mm)
67: Vertical Image Size (in mm)
68: high significant bits for Horizontal Image Size (4 upper bits)
high significant bits for Vertical Image Size (4 lower bits)
69: Horizontal Border
70: Vertical Border
71: Interlaced or not (bit 7)
Stereo or not (bit 6-5) ("00" means not)
Separate Sync or not (bit 4-3)
Horizontal Sync positive or not (bit 2)
Vertical Sync positive or not (bit 1)
Stereo Mode (bit 0) (unused if 6-5 are 00)
If Pixel Clock is null:
56: 0
57: Block type FFh=Monitor Serial Number, FEh=ASCII string, FDh=Monitor Range Limits, FCh=Monitor name, FBh=Colour Point Data, FAh, Standard Timing Data, F9h=Currently undefined, F8h=defined by manufacturer
58: Unknown
59–71: Desc riptor block contents.
If block type is FFh, FEh, or FCh, the entire area is a text string.
If block type is FDh:
59–63: Min Vertical frequency, Max Vertical frequency, Min Horizontal frequency (in kHz), Max Horizontal frequency (in kHz), pixel clock (in MHz (multiply by 10 for actual value))
64–65: Secondary GTF toggle If encoded value is 000A, bytes 59-63 are used. If encoded value is 0200, bytes67–71 are used.
66: Start horizontal frequency (in kHz). Multiply by 2 for actual value.
67: C. Divide by 2 for actual value.
68-69: M (little endian).
70: K 71: J. Divide by 2 for actual value. If block type is FBh:
59: W Index 0. If set to 0, bytes
60-63 are not used. If set to 1,
61–63 are assigned to white point index #1
64: W Index 1. If set to 0, bytes
65-68 are not used. If set to 2,
65–68 are assigned to white point index #2 White point index structure:
First byte bit 3-2: low significant bits for White X (bit 3-2), White Y (bit 1-0)
Second to third byte: high significant bits for White X, White Y.
Fourth byte: Gamma. Divide by 100, then add 1 for actual value.
To decode White X and White Y, see bytes
25-34. If block type is FAh:
59–70: Standard Timing Identification.
2 bytes for each record.
For structure details, see bytes 38-53.
72–89: Desc riptor Block 2 90–107: Desc riptor Block 3
108–125: Desc riptor Block 4
126: Extension EDID Block(s). In EDID 1.1, it is ignored, and should be set to 0.
127: Checksum.